
(1910 – 1992)

Fritz Leiber is one of the most influential and highly regarded pioneers of the sci-fi and fantasy genres and won multiple Hugo Awards across his five-decade career. Leiber’s most well-known book series, Fafhrd and the Grey Mouser, is one of the biggest influences of the Dungeons & Dragons role-playing game, and his creative thumbprint is evident in global television hits from Game of Thrones to Stranger Things.

Although Leiber trained as an actor, he made his name among the pages of the pulp magazines of the 1930s and 1940s, before launching his writing career with the personal encouragement of H. P. Lovecraft. Leiber wrote hundreds of works and his short stories and novels range from grounded sci-fi to space operas, medieval fantasy to contemporary psychological horror. Making his mark in each of these diverse genres, Leiber’s back catalogue promises something for every reader, and is itself a bridge from the pioneering Lovecraftian tales of the early 20th Century into the sci-fi, horror, and fantasy of the 21st.